At Martin Blough Company, we offer the following full-services:
* Used Cooking Oil- Containers and Extraction Services- Our containers are made of one piece heavy duty plastic that won't rust or leak; low profile pouring area that makes pouring in so much easier and safer; built in strainer; Extractions are set on a Route System; we "Weigh and Pay" you for your Oil; We have our own Refinery in Pelahatchie, MS that uses NO CEMICALS and NO ACIDS. Completely Safe and Responsible extraction process.
* Installation, Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance services for Commercial Vent Hoods and Fire Suppression Systems for Central MS; Our technicians are Licensed and Certified to inspect, test, or maintain the following systems:
* On-Site Sales and Service of Fire Extinguishers; Our technicians are Certified and will provide the best of care to meet your Fire Safety needs.
Navigate throughout our site or the links above to learn more about our services.